Bologna - Italy    23 - 27 / 09 / 2024

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Cersaie 2022: Conferences and Seminars
New Understatement and collaborative Equity: two ground-breaking trends in Interior Design to the horizon of 2024

TUE 27 September - 12.00 p.m.
Archincont(r)act - Gall. 21-22


A presentation that will explain two of the main trends in Interior Design related to the central topic of sustainability.


Ilaria Pizzoferrato More

Ilaria Pizzoferrato

Trend expert, Fashion & Image consultant, Italian Exclusive Agent for Carlin Creative Trend Bureau

Biographical notes
Ilaria Pizzoferrato for over twenty years has been working in consultancy and trend research for international  companies in Fashion & Interior Design Industry.

For the last 15 years she exclusively represents Carlin Creative Trend Bureau in italy. 
Carlin Creative Trend Bureau is the first Trend Office in the World.

