Ceramics of Italy are pleased to announce the twenty-sixth competition for the Journalism Award. This award will recognize the best published article/report on Italian Ceramic Industry and / or Cersaie 2023, the International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings (Bologna, Italy: 25 - 29 September).
1) The competition is open to all journalists outside of Italy. Journalists may submit up to four articles, also digitally. Only single author articles will be eligible.
2) To be eligible for the competition, articles must have been published by April 30, 2024 in magazines outside of Italy. All applicants must submit at least three copies of the magazines containing the article or share the link to the digital magazine, a short description of the features of the magazine, as well as background biographical information by May 15, 2024 to:
Ceramics of Italy - Press Office
Viale Monte Santo, 40
41049 Sassuolo (MO) - Italy
In case the article is not written in English, an English or Italian translation should be enclosed.
3) The Jury will consist of professional Italian journalists. They will evaluate editorial and photographic content of each submission. (Topics may be, but are not limited to: styles and design trends, market analysis, descriptions of new and innovative products/applications, descriptions of the technical features and quality of the products exhibited and Italian Ceramic Tiles Industry’s events).
4) The Jury’s decision is final. All entrants will be promptly notified of the results of the competition.
5) The prize assigned to the winner is a commemorative plaque which will be officially awarded during the International Press Conference at Cersaie 2024. Moreover, the winner will enjoy a stay in Rome from September 19 to September 22, 2024 with departure for Cersaie on September 22 and a stay in Bologna until September 25, 2024. The trip, for two persons, includes round trip airfare, board and lodging with double occupancy rooms.
For more information contact:
Ceramics of Italy - Press Office
Viale Monte Santo, 40
41049 Sassuolo (MO) - Italy
Phone +39 0536.818111 - Fax +39 0536.807935
E-mail: press@ceramica.info
Competitors grant the Cersaie press office the right to publish free of charge on the websites www.ceramica.info and www.cersaie.it the magazine covers and submitted articles deemed most important.
Magazine: Edge Kitchens & Bathrooms
Country: U.A.E. United Arab Emirates
Journalist: Lara Mansour
Title: Special Cersaie - "The Sound of Design Italian Style Contract Cersaie 2018" and "Richard Rogers to give keynote lecture at Cersaie 2018"
Magazine: Canadian Architect
Country: Canada
Journalist: Adele Weder
Magazine: Sovremenny Dom Magazine
Country: Russia
Journalist: Dmitry Romashkov
Magazine: Bovatinfo
Country: Holland
Journalist: Remus F.P.M. Aussen
Magazine: Dom I interior
Country: Azerbaijan
Journalist: Olga Chumak - Alessia Poznyak
Title: Cersaie - When borders no longer exist
Magazine: Floors in Africa
Country: South Africa
Journalist: Marlene van Rooyen
Magazine: Tegel Totaal
Country: Holland
Journalist: Matthijs Pronker - Renée De Haan
Magazine: Floor Focus
Country: U.S.A.
Journalist: Kemp Harr
Magazine: Interiors Korea
Country: Korea
Journalist: In-Ho Jung
Title: Cersaie 2016 Keynote
Magazine: The Tiles of India
Country: India
Journalist: Jignesh Harishbhai Trivedi
Magazine: AIT
Country: Germany
Journalist: Petra Stephan
Magazine: Modern in Denver
Country: U.S.A.
Journalist: William Logan
Magazine: Ideat - Contemporary Life
Country: France
Journalist: Serge Gleizes e Olivier Waché
Title: Dossier Carrelage
Magazine: Dienas Biznes
Country: Lettonia
Journalist: Lana Jüra
Magazine: Magazine Surface
Country: Canada
Journalist: Marcel Soucy
Magazine: Headstarts (blog)
Country: Japan
Journalist: Makiko Yumaguchi
Magazine: Intérieurs
Country: Canada
Journalist: Christian Bergeron
Title: Cersaie 2014 - La céramique tous azimuts sumptuous ceramics
Magazine: Asian Ceramics
Country: Asia
Journalist: Paul Russell
Magazine: Ideal Decor
Country: Romania
Journalist: Andreea Dicianu
Magazine: AU Arquitetura y Urbanismo
Country: Brasile
Journalist: Ana Paula Rocha
Magazine: Bathroom+Kitchen Today
Country: Singapore
Journalist: Francesca Carrillo
Title: Traditional craftsmanship, modern Designs
Magazine: Ceramic and Sakhteman
Country: Iran
Journalist: Mohammad Hossein Khodabakhsh
Magazine: Dom&Interior
Country: Russia
Journalist: Sofia Remez
Magazine: Caro
Country: Germania
Journalist: Uwe Leppert
Magazine: Interiors & Sources
Country: U.S.A.
Journalist: Adam Moore
Title: Now: trending Cersaie
Magazine: Kuća Stil
Country: Serbia
Journalist: Lidija Tomić
Title: Bathrooms 2013
Magazine: Ideas Magazine
Country: Kazakistan
Journalist: Inessa Gofman
Title: Ceramic Fashion Week
Magazine: Espaces Contemporains
Country: Swiss
Journalist: Françoise Faure
Title: Cersaie Septembre 2012
Magazine: The Inside Track
Country: India
Journalist: Anish Bajaj
Title: Ceramic meets Design at Cersaie
Magazine: Archicréé
Country: France
Journalist: Joëlle Letessier
Title: Le défi de la salle de bain
Magazine: Azure
Country: Canada
Journalist: Catherine Osborne
Title: Surface Matters
Magazine: Casa d’Elite
Country: Kazakistan
Journalist: Anna Kolomiyets
Title: Cersaie 2011
Magazine: Walls & Roofs in Africa
Country: South Africa
Journalist: Marlene E van Rooyen
Title: International trends at the 2010 tile exhibition
Magazine: Architektur & Bau Forum
Country: Austria
Journalist: Barbara Jahn-Rösel
Title: Zeitreise tröpfchenweise
Magazine: Tile Brasil
Country: Brasil
Journalist: Lazzaro Menasce
Title: Cersaie 2010
Magazine: 100% Kitchens & Bathrooms
Country: Russia
Journalist: Maria Chichagova
Title: Cersaie 2010
Magazine: Idealen Dom
Country: Bulgaria
Journalist: Mariana Svetoslavova
Title: Ceramics: digital and nostalgic
Magazine: ICS Magazine
Country: Egypt
Journalist: Mahmoud Ahmad
Title: Ceramics in history
Magazine: Tile Today
Country: Australia
Journalist: Anthony Stock
Title: Slim line tonic, or the thin edge of the wedge?
Magazine: Objekt© International
Country: Netherlands
Journalist: Hans Fonk
Title: Tiles for Confortable Living
Magazine: Domyt Magazine
Country: Bulgaria
Journalist: Blagoslava Bancheva
Title: Cersaie 2008
Magazine: Edge kitchens & bathrooms
Country: U.A.E.
Journalist: Lara Mansour
Thom Mayne designs poster for Cersaie 2008
- The leadership of the Italian Ceramic Tile Industry
Magazine: Elite Interior
Country: Russia
Journalist: Margarita Golyandina
Title: Un capriccio per le piastrelle
Magazine: ABC&D
Country: United Kingdom
Journalist: Peter Hill
Title: Cersaie celebrates
Magazine: Bathroom + Kitchen Today
Country: Singapore
Journalist: V. Krishna Veni
Title: Surfaces
Magazine: Ceramics: style and fashion
Country: Ukraine
Journalist: Ol’ga Šišova
Title: High-fashion ceramics at Cersaie 2006
Magazine: Metropolis
Country: USA
Journalist: Paul Makovsky
Title: Tile One on
Magazine: L’architecture D’aujourd’hui
Country: France
Journalist: Jean Pierre Cousin
Title: Les grès porcelainés. Le décor et ses envers
Magazine: Material
Country: Russia
Journalist: Sven Gundlach
Title: Cersaie, sfila la grande industria
Magazine: Canadian Interiors
Country: Canada
Journalist: David Lasker
Title: Tile we meet again
Magazine: Moja Kupaonica
Country: Croatia
Journalist: Branko Iljas
Title: The 2002 Cersaie fair in Bologna
Magazine: Muj Dum / My House
Country: Czech Republic
Journalist: Lenka Zizkova Eibel
Not only beauties in bath
- Celebrities between rituals and design
Magazine: Das Architekten Magazin
Country: Germany
Journalist: Gabriele Achstetter
Title: Neus Von der fliesenmesse Cersaie
Magazine: Space
Country: Korea
Journalist: Park ki Chong
Title: Cersaie ’99 in Bologna, Italy
Magazine: Floor Covering Weekly
Country: USA
Journalist: Santiago Montero
Title: Cersaie takes on added significance
Magazine: Furniture and surroundings
Country: China
Journalist: Zhen Huang
Title: Six Days in touch with the world - Cersaie 1998
Magazine: Vivienda
Country: Argentina
Journalist: Horacio Mac Donnell
Title: Italia Cersaie 97 - Salon internacional de la ceramica para la construccion y equipamiento de baño
Magazine: Tile Today
Country: Australia
Journalist: Wolfgang Toepfer
Title: Report on Cersaie 1996
Magazine: Tile and Decorative surfaces
Country: USA
Journalist: Wolfgang Toepfer
Title: Cersaie 96: Italian show presents the best in solid trends, form encaustic styles to new formats, reinassance motifs and everything in between