Bologna - Italy    23 - 27 / 09 / 2024

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CERSAIE - International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings

Promoted by CONFINDUSTRIA CERAMICA in collaboration with BOLOGNAFIERE spa
Organized by EDI.CER. spa - Soc. Unipersonale

Viale Monte Santo 40, 41049 Sassuolo - Modena - Italy
Cod.Fisc.: 93004930363
Tel. +39.0536.818111 - Fax +39.0536.807935
Web: - E-mail:

EDI.CER. spa
- Soc. Unipersonale
Viale Monte Santo 40, 41049 Sassuolo - Modena - Italy
Capitale Sociale  € 2.500.000 i.v.  - C.F e P.I.: 00853700367
R.I. di Modena n. 00853700367 - R.E.A. di Modena n. 189678
Tel. +39.0536.804585 - Fax +39.0536.806510


Legal notice


CERSAIE: Cersaie – International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings
ORGANISER: Edi.Cer. spa - Soc. Unipersonale with head office in viale Monte Santo 40 – 41049 Sassuolo (MO) – Italy

Use of the "Cersaie Web Site" (hereafter, for the sake of brevity, also referred to as just "the Site") implies full and total acceptance of the General Conditions of Use reproduced hereafter and the assumption of full responsibility for use of the services therein contained. The Site is subject to continuous change due to the dynamic nature of the subject with which it deals, with no obligation on the part of the Organiser of Cersaie (hereafter "the Organiser") to give prior notice of such changes to the users of the Site. Moreover, the Site contains elements provided by third parties through hypertext links, in respect of which users are referred to the General Conditions of Use laid down by the parties concerned and for which the Organiser denies all responsibility.

General Conditions of Use

Intellectual property rights and restrictions of use
Cersaie is a registered trade mark. The trade mark, logo, texts, images, diagrams, and the audio, video and animation files contained in the Site as well as their layout, are regulated by the copyrights and other regulations, which protect intellectual property rights (all rights reserved). Therefore, any reproduction, transfer, uploading, publication and distribution, whether in whole or in part, are forbidden without the written consent of the Organiser, with the exception of the use of those digital tools, which specifically enable reproduction of parts of the information contained in the Site and the ability to store them on a computer or to print extracts solely for personal use. However it is explicitly stated that use of the Site must be undertaken within the law and particularly in compliance with Italian regulations in force in respect of copyrights and trade marks, and with regulations regarding the process of personal data as well as with the regulations of civil rights. The texts and images contained on certain pages of the Site and standing as headings for precise and well-defined subjects, as well as the pages connected to them through hypertext links are subject to the copyrights of whoever made them available.
The name "Cersaie" cannot be used as the Internet address of other sites or as part of such addresses. Similarly it must not be included as part of the html (or other compile languages) code of the pages of other sites: in fact the internal use of the so-called meta-tags by third parties is prohibited. Hypertext links to this Site inserted by third parties on their own Web sites must in no way damage the image and the activity of Cersaie. The so-called deep linking is prohibited, in particular the use of parts of the Site on the Web sites of third parties, but in any case, connection directly to the Site's pages without passing through the Site's home page.
Any possible failure comply with the above-mentioned regulations, in the absence of the Organiser's explicit written authorisation, will be prosecuted through the appropriate civil and penal courts of law.

Limitations of liability
Through the Site, the Organiser makes available information for which he provides no assurances and/or guarantees implicit or explicit of any sort. Moreover, the Organiser, also on behalf of his own service providers, whilst making every endeavour to prevent any errors and/or inaccuracies, denies any responsibility for possible omissions, incorrect information, uncertainties, misprints relating to the information contained on the Site and is not in any way responsible for malfunction of the Site, whether resulting from causes connected with the very nature of the service (breakdown, over-loading or interruption of telephone and/or electricity lines, breakdown of the equipment and the infrastructure linked to third parties and essential for connection to the network) or from force majeure, chance occurrences or disasters, which affect the locations of computer systems supporting the Site and related service software. Moreover, the Organiser denies any responsibility for possible damage, direct or indirect, resulting in whole or in part from the use, including incorrect or improper, of such information. Finally, the Organiser, whilst having put in place the tightest checks within the areas of his competence, denies any responsibility with regard to the possible presence of viruses intended to damage computer systems of the Site users.

External links
The Organiser states that certain pages on the Site are connected by hypertext links to other sites, over whose content, configuration, updates, malfunctioning as well as their possible modification and/or discontinuation he has no influence and for which he denies all responsibility.

The Organiser states that cookies (small data files that some web sites may send to the visitor's address during a visit) may be found on the Site, which have the purpose of tracking the visitor's path whilst on the Site. Users who do not wish to receive cookies are invited to modify their browser settings and activate the function that advises of or automatically rejects all cookies.

Collection, processing, management, use and transfer of personal data
The Organiser, by means of forms on the Site, collects personal data, including e-mail addresses, expressly provided by visitors and manages them in accord with legislation in force. As provided for under legislation in force, the data provided to the Organiser by the exhibitors on paper and/or digital forms as well as all the information provided by mutual consent for the purpose of enlarging on and/or completing the details of each exhibitor listed in the section "Exhibitors' Catalogue" is also subject to the same controls. The exhibitor is solely responsible for the above-said material (text, images, Web pages connected to the Site through hypertext links) and can change or delete his own data on the basis of the rules contained in the contract of participation. The use of on-line forms involves the full acceptance of the processing of the personal data entered, for purposes connected with the very nature of the exhibition. The accuracy and truthfulness of personal and company data provided to the Organiser are the sole responsibility of whoever provides them. The Organiser states that the processing and management of the gathered data will be carried out with full respect for the security measures of the law. Material sent to Cersaie will, however, be held not to be of a confidential nature; therefore, the Organiser will be able to reproduce, use, reveal, show, amend or publish them on the Site and/or in paper form, without in so doing being held responsible for a violation of regulations in force regarding copyrights, title to intellectual property rights and processing of personal data.
For information on privacy and cookie policy you are invited to consult the web page.