Bologna - Italy    22 - 26 / 09 / 2025

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Getting to Cersaie

Where we are

Exhibition Centre Entrances

North Entrance
Via Ondina Valla, 40127 Bologna BO

North-West Calzoni Entrance
Via Alfredo Calzoni, 40128 Bologna BO

West Costituzione Entrance
Piazza della Costituzione, 4b, 40128 Bologna BO

East Michelino Entrance
Via Michelino, 40127 Bologna BO

South Aldo Moro Entrance
Viale Aldo Moro, 40128 Bologna BO

South-East P4
Viale della Fiera, 20, 40128 Bologna BO

How to reach us


Ring Road
no. 7, 7bis and 8 exits.

The Exhibition Centre area and its surroundings have regulated parkings. Careful: parking is allowed within the indicated lots only. Car park attendants authorized to give information and cash the toll wear the regulation uniforms.