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Cersaie 2009: Conferences and Seminars
S_tiles: communicating sustainability

Thursday 01 October - 2.00 p.m.
Galleria dell'Architettura

Authors and promoters of S_TILES ( exchange views with designers and producers on how to turn the project into concrete, successful actions able to help both the economy and the planet.


Patrizia Lugo Loprieno More

Patrizia Lugo Loprieno

EOS Environmental Consulting Group
Biographical notes
Patrizia Lugo Loprieno is an expert in communication, design and environmental issues. In 1990, she founded EOS Environmental Consulting Group and in 1999 Méta, Media Ecology Technology Association, of which she is president. She lives and works between Brussels and Milan. As author of articles and research on ecodesign, Patrizia Lugo Loprieno has written for the magazine GAP-Casa (1990-94). She is a consultant to UNESCO and UNEP for the projects “Advertising for a Better World”, aimed at creating a link between the world of advertising and issues regarding sustainable consumption, and “Youth X Change”, a network designed to encourage the adoption of more sustainable lifestyles. Since 2001 she has been a consultant to Assopiastrelle/Confindustria Ceramica, for which she has conceived and managed the integrated communication project “S_TILES. Italian Tiles Towards Sustainability” (

Alessandro Paderni More

Alessandro Paderni

Biographical notes
Architectural studies in Venice.
Alessandro Paderni photographer works for several international companies, related to world of design and art and his work is bond to international magazines, to industrial/commercial markets and to art galleries.
His atèlier created with Ferruccio Macor, video-maker, is called Eye studio and is located in Pasian di Prato/Udine.
