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Cersaie 2009: Conferences and Seminars
Living the future

Friday 02 October - 4.00 p.m.
Galleria dell'Architettura

The choices we make today will have an impact on the tomorrow we will be living in, but the reverse is also true: our ideas of the future we will be building for ourselves will have an impact on the choices we make today.
We are aware that today we are faced with huge challenges that will need tackling in the coming years, challenges that require courageous answers, radical innovations and not merely growth. Our visions of the future are increasingly called upon to provide an answer to a whole range of different questions. What kinds of needs will our city dwellers have 20, 30, 50 years from now? What kind of life will we be leading, where will our food and our energy be coming from, how will we be getting around?


Aldo Schiavone More

Aldo Schiavone

Director of Italian Human Sciences Institute
Biographical notes:
Born in Naples in 1944, Aldo Schiavone graduated in Law in Naples in 1966.  From 1983 to 2005 he was a Full Professor in Roman Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Florence, and from 2005 has been a Full Professor in Roman Law at the Italian Institute of Human Sciences. Head of the Department of the History and Theory of Law at the University of Florence from 1997 to 1999. Head of the Faculty of Law of the University of Florence from 1999 to 2002. Director of the Consortium of the Italian Institute of Human Sciences since 2002. Director of the Italian Institute of Human Sciences since 2005. Directeur de Recherche Invité at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris in  1985, 1993 and 1999. In 1998 he became a member of the Institute for Advanced Study (School for Historical Studies) at Princeton University. Director of the “Istituto Gramsci” Foundation in Rome from 1980 to 1988. President of the Historical Studies School of the University of San Marino. Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Science since 2007. He has been writing for "La Repubblica" since 1985.

Nik Baerten More

Nik Baerten

Biographical notes:
Nik Baerten is one of the founders of Pantopicon, a studio for future exploration and envisioning based in Antwerp, Belgium. Together with their partners and clients Pantopicon charts the challenges which tomorrow might bring, assesses their meaning, envisions strategies for a succesful tomorrow and conceptualizes future-inspired products, services and experiences. They guide their clients, both public and private, to see, design and act upon the future starting today. Nik Baerten has a background in knowledge engineering and spent several years at the Digital Cultural Heritage department of the Maastricht McLuhan Institute in the Netherlands, where he was involved in multidisciplinary research with an eye on the future.

Tobias Wallisser More

Tobias Wallisser

Biographical notes:
Tobias Wallisser is partner of LAVA (Laboratory for Visionary Architecture) in Stuttgart.
Before he founded the practice with Chris Bosse in 2007, he worked as associate architect of UNStudio in Amsterdam where he was responsible for the Mercedes-Benz Museum project in Stuttgart, Germany.
After receiving his German architecture degree, he gained work experience in Germany and the United States. In 1997, Tobias Wallisser received a post-graduate degree from Colombia University (New York). He worked for Asymptote Architecture on the Virtual New York Stock Exchange project in 1997, and for the German firm KTP on an award-winning low-energy office project in Germany.
In 1998 he joined UNStudio where he became associate in 2002. He directed the design and construction works for the Arnhem Masterplan and Transfer Hall in the Netherlands, was in charge of the Basauri Masterplan project in Spain, a hotel development on Lanzarote, the Da Vinci urban plan in Stuttgart, and the Fraunhofer Research Center in Stuttgart. In 2002, he worked with United Architects on the World Trade Center Project in New York.
His special interest lies in combining new computer technology, a deep understanding of geometry and innovative design strategies to generate outstanding spatial structures. Technical knowledge gained during the construction phases of several state-of-the art buildings enables him to combine his vision with a deep level of detailing and perfectionism.
He has lectured in many places around Europe and conducted studios at several universities in Germany. In 2006, he accepted a professorship at the Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart where he teaches „digital design“.
