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Cersaie 2009: Conferences and Seminars
Man and the city

Friday 02 October - 2.00 p.m.
Galleria dell'Architettura

Men and women of the near future, living physically at close quarters in cities, yet isolated from one another, who only encounter each other in passing, on their way about their business, without ever really connecting. Men and women thousands of miles away who communicate without ever physically meeting up. Men and women on the move, in a world where no one ever sits still or stays put any more, a world with no borders. What will our cities come to look like, as groups of multi-ethnic communities are constantly migrating, shifting, evolving?


Luigi Zoja More

Luigi Zoja

Biographical notes:
Luigi Zoja was born in 1943. He worked in a clinic in Zurich, then privately in Milan and New York, and is now back in Milan working as a psychoanalyst.  President of the CIPA (Italian Centre for Analytical Psychology) from 1984 to 1993. From 1998 to 2001 he was President of the IAAP (International Association for Analytical Psychology), the association that brings together Jungian analysts from all over the world, before becoming Chairman of the International Ethics Committee of the same. He has also taught at the C.G. Jung Institut in Zurich and the University of Insubria.
He has held courses and conferences at universities and other institutions in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Great Britain, Denmark, Holland, France, Greece, the Czech Republic, Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Slovenia, Israel, Japan, the People’s Republic of China, the USA, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela, Tunisia and South Africa, and has published books and articles in Italian, English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Russian, Czech, Polish, Slovenian, Lithuanian, Chinese and Korean.

Fulvio Irace More

Fulvio Irace

Lecturer in “History of architecture”, Milan Polytechnic
Biographical notes
Fulvio Irace is a full professor of “History of Architecture” at Milan Polytechnic, where he holds the History of Contemporary Architecture chair at the Faculty of Civil Architecture and the Faculty of Design; he is also a visiting professor at the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio, and a member of the board of teachers for the PhD course in “History of Architecture and Town Planning” at Turin Polytechnic.
He is a member of the scientific committee of the Vico Magistretti Foundation and is on the board of trustees of the Piano Foundation.
In 2008-2009 he was a member of the jury for the Mies van der Rohe European Prize.
From 2005 to 2009 he was a member of the Scientific Committee of the Milan Triennial and curator of the Architecture and Territory sector.
One of the founders of the national association AAI (Archivi di Architettura Italia – Italian Architectural Archives), he is one of the promoters of the “Architecture and Design” section of CASVA (Centro alti studi e valorizzazione delle arti – the Centre for Higher Studies and Valorisation of the Arts) of the Municipality of Milan.
Architectural editor for the publications “Domus” and “Abitare”, he has worked with the most important national and international magazines in the sector, and in 2005 was awarded the Inarch Bruno Zevi Prize for architectural criticism. Since 1986 he has been an opinionist in the field of architecture for the Sunday Supplement of “Il Sole 24 Ore”.
Attentive to the historiographies of Italian architecture between the two World Wars, to which he has dedicated much work through various exhibitions and publications, more recently his studies have concentrated on contemporary Italian architecture, and the figure of Renzo Piano, the subject of various monographs and an important exhibition at the Milan Triennial.
In the field of criticism and historical methodology he is the author of the following works:  Dimenticare Vitruvio, 2001 and 2008;  Le città visibili: Renzo Piano 2006; Divina Proporzione, 2007; Gio Ponti, 2009.
He has curated a number of architectural exhibitions.

Italo Rota More

Italo Rota

Biographical notes
Italo Rota is eclectic personality of the contemporary architecture. He is one of the most charming Italian architect and designer for his experimentation in the field of setting: he conceives surprising devices and temporarily structures of extraordinary effectiveness, he creates scenery and magical ambiences that go with exhibitions and events.
Distinctive features of Studio Rota & Partners are the richness of forms, colours, materials. This accumulation of means – including the characteristic using of light, curvatures, bold bent lines -gives the designs the impression of multidimensionality, merging of spaces, movement. Interiors, objects, everyday items appear to be incredibly vivid and full of life.
