Bologna - Italy    23 - 27 / 09 / 2024

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Riflessi di Cava

A historical collection of Antiche Fornaci D'Agostino.
The secret is the simplicity, the colors are those of the nature that surrounds us and then the light that gives us unique suggestions, a tile that feels and see vibrating, speaking of the past, of the present and of the future and that, at the same time, transmits strength thanks to its lava gres support and its long cooking.

Historical and exclusive collection of Antiche Fornaci D’Agostino, become an icon of our ceramics. A perfect synthesis of the link with the colors of the natural Mediterranean elements to which the Magmaker ® adds strenght and endurance. A unique product, a matchless product. Hotel facilities, restaurants, villas and private apartments, external facades of buildings: these are the applications and the multitude of interventions that the Collection Riflessi di Cava has had in its approximately 30 years of life.



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