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Cersaie 2015: Conferences and Seminars
Glenn Murcutt - Lectio Magistralis

Tuesday 29 September - 11.00 a.m.
Europauditorium Palazzo dei Congressi

With Glenn Murcutt and Francesco Dal Co


Glenn Murcutt More

Glenn Murcutt


Biographical notes

The internationally acclaimed Australian architect Glenn Murcutt (born in London, 1936) received the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2002. He and his work have also been recognized with numerous other awards including the Alvar Aalto Medal in 1992, the Green Pin of Denmark for Architecture and Ecology in 1999, and the Gold Medal of the American Institute of Architects in 2009. Furthermore, he is an honorary member of the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland and the American Academy of Arts and Letters.
Glenn Murcutt studied architecture at the Sydney Technical College of the University of New South Wales. In 1969, he established his own firm. Since then—while undertaking all the design-related tasks himself—he has created an impressive oeuvre of environmentally conscious buildings of exceptional quality and vision.
Glenn Murcutt has shared his vision with countless students around the world. He holds a professorship at the University of New South Wale, and has been a visiting professor at schools such as Yale University, University of Pennsylvania, Helsinki University of Technology, Aarhus University, and many others.

National Honours 
1992 Royal Australian Institute of Architects Gold Medal
1993 Life fellow Royal Australian Institute of Architects
1995 Honorary Doctorate of Science, University of New South Wales
1996 Order of Australia (AO)
2003 Honorary Doctorate of Letters, University of Technology Sydney – HonDrLtUTS
2004 Honorary Doctorate of Science, University of Sydney – HonDrScUS
2010 Honorary Fellow of the Australian Academy of Umanities

International Awards and Honours
1992 Alvar Aalto International Medal for architecture, Helsinki, Finland
1995 Honorary Fellow of the American Institute of Architects – HonFAIA
1995 International Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects – IntFRIBA
1998 Richard Neutra International Award for architecture and teaching from the Neutra Foundation and CalPoly Pomona USA
1999 The “Green Pin” International Award fro architecture and ecology from the Royal Danish Academy of Architects
2001 The Kenneth F. Brown Asia Pacific Culture and architecture Award for the Arthur and Yvonne Boyd Education Centre “Riversdale” in collaboration with Wendy Lewin And Reg Lark.
2001 International Thomas Jefferson Medal for architecture USA
2001 Honorary Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada  - HonFSAFA
2001 The Royal Danish Academy of Fine arts international award for “Making a difference” to the thinking and practice of architecture
2002 The International Pritzker Architecture Prize
2004 Honorary Fellow, Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland – Hon FRIAS
2005 Honorary Member, Taipei Architects Association  - Hon MTAA
2005 Honorary Fellow Singapore Institute of Architects  - Hon FSIA
2008 Elected Honorary Member, American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York, New York
2008 Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Green Professionals USA – HonFIGP – Honoris Causa –
2009 The Gold Medal, American Institute of Architects
2009 Hon Member of the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland – HonMRIAI
2010/11/12/13/14/15 Member, International Jury of the International Pritzker Architecture Prize
2010 Honours, Senior Fellow, The Design Futures Council, Salk Institute California and Smithsonian Castle, Washington DC USA
2014 Hon. Dr. Lt. “Honoris Causa” University Bucharest Romania
2014 Royal Scottish Academy Medal for Architecture – RSA Metzstein Architecture Discourse 2015 Solo Exhibition “Architecture for Place” Glasgow, Scotland U.K.
2015 Hon. Dr. Laws Honoris Causa Dalhousie University, Halifax Canada

Francesco Dal Co More

Francesco Dal Co

Architetto e Professore di storia dell'architettura, IUAV Venezia

Nota biografica

Laurea in architettura, Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV, 1970).

Cattedra di Storia dell'Architettura, IUAV, dal 1981.

Professor, History of Architecture, School of Architecture, Yale University (1982-1991).

Professore, Storia dell'Architettura, Accademia di Architettura dell'Università della Svizzera Italiana (1996-2005).

Direttore, Dipartimento di Storia dell'Architettura, IUAV (1995-2003).

Direttore, Sezione Architettura, La Biennale di Venezia (1988-1991).

Responsabile pubblicazioni di architettura della Casa Editrice Electa, dal 1978.

Curatore, Sezione Architettura, La Biennale di Venezia (1998).

Direttore della rivista “Casabella” dal 1996.

Senior Fellow, Center for Advanced Studies, National Gallery of Art, Washington DC.

Scholar, Getty Center, Santa Monica CA.

Membro del comitato di direzione, Society of Architectural Historians USA.

Dottore Honoris Causa in Ingegneria, Politecnico di Gand.

Accademico di San Luca, Roma.

Honorary Fellow Royal Institute of British Architects.

