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Cersaie 2017: Conferences and Seminars
Elisa Valero Ramos

Thursday 28 September - 10.30 a.m.
Galleria dell'Architettura - Gall. 21/22


Elisa Valero Ramos More

Elisa Valero Ramos


Biographical notes

Full Professor of Architectural Projects at the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Granada.

Visiting professor at the Technische Universität Berlin Institute für ArchiteKtur, Facoltà di Architettura de la Università di Roma Tre, Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNAM México DF, the BTU Architecture School Cottbus, The Royal Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture, Copenhagen, Escola da Cidade, Sao Paulo. London South Bank University. School of Architecture of Mantova.
Visiting professor in the Master in Heritage Restoration and Conservation Politecnica University of Valencia. Máster on Collective Housing, Master in Architectural Lighting Design and Master MAYAB Environment and BIoclimatic Architecture Superior Technical School of Architecture of Madrid. Polytechnic University of Madrid UPM. Secretary at the Academic Board of the Master in Architecture, and secretary of the tribunal of approval of foreign degrees at the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Granada. Granada.
External Examiner at AA school of Architecture London and at Universidad Nacional de Colombia for the Master in Architecture 2016.

Light in Architecture, the Intangible Material. RIBA publishing. Londres 2015. ISBN 978 1859465967
La materia intangible, reflexiones sobre la luz en el proyecto de arquitectura 2004 (2ª edición 2008) Ediciones Generales de la Construcción. Valencia. ISBN 84-933540-1-5
Espacios de aprendizaje 2006. Universidad de Granada. Granada. ISBN 84-608-0416-X
Ocio peligroso, introducción al proyecto de arquitectura 2006. General de Ediciones de Arquitectura. Valencia. ISBN 978-84-935163-1-7
La Universidad Laboral de Almería. 2008. Archivos de Arquitectura España siglo XX. Colegio de Arquitectos de Almería Almería. 2008. ISBN 978-84-934827-6-3
Diccionario de la luz, 2008 General de Ediciones de Arquitectura. Valencia. (2ª edición 2010)
Elisa Valero arquitectura 1998-2008..General de Ediciones de Arquitectura. Colección biblioteca TC. Valencia. 2009. ISBN: 978-84-936203-9-4
Glosario de Reciclaje Urbano, General de Ediciones de Arquitectura. Valencia. 2014. ISBN: 978-84-939845-6


“Urban Recycling: rezoning residential areas for sustainable development” Ministry of Education and Science R & D (2008-2011
“Recycling Neighborhoods; a sustainable alternative” a research Project for the General Office of Architecture and Housing of the Government of Andalusia. July 2007.
"Experimental Applications of Energy-efficient Building Systems in Mediterranean Residential Settings”. Project involving the participation of the universities of Seville, Malaga, Granada and Jaen, 2011.Financed by Feder funds.

UGR coordinator of the Andalusia Team for the construction of the Patio 2.12 solar home. International competition Solar Decathlon. Eighteen teams from twelve different countries competed in the design and construction of the most efficient sun-powered house in the world.
First Award in Communication and Social Awareness. First Award in Energy Efficiency.First Award in Energy Balance. First Award to Public’s Favorite. Second Award in Sustainability. Second Award of the Green Building Council. Second Award in Innovation. Third Award in Engineering and Construction. Second Final Award Solar Decathlon Europe 2012
UGR coordinator of the research project “Intervention in obsolete neightborhoods. Good Practices a research Project for the General Office of Architecture and Housing of the Government of Andalusia. July 2014.


SPECIAL MENCION ARCVISION PRIZE. Milan 2016. FINALIST XI INTERNATIONAL PRIZE SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE (FASSA BORTOLO) Nuevo espacio multiusos en la escuela Cerrillo de Maracena, (Granada) 2015. FINALIST FAD AWARDS 2012 Escuela infantil Asunción Linares (Granada). 2012. FINALIST XI BIENNALE OF SPANISH ARCHITECTURE Escuela infantil en la Chana (Granada). 2011. FINALIST IX BIENNALE OF SPANISH ARCHITECTURE Centro Social Polivalente en Lancha del Genil (Granada). 2006. 1st PRIZE “Abitare il Mediterraneo”3ª edición. Organizado por el Consejo Regional de los Arquitectos de Sicilia, en colaboración con la UMAR (Unión de Arquitectos del Mediterráneo), bajo el patrocinio del CNAPPC (Consejo Nacional de Arquitectos, Urbanistas, Paisajistas y Restauradores de Italia. 2011. 3th PRIZE FOR CONSTRUCTED WORK at the Contest for Social and Officially Protected Housing called by the Superior Council of Associations of Architects in Spain for 13 self-built houses in Palenciana. January 2003. SELECTED for the ii thermal-clay prize, 2004. HONORABLE MENTION for constructed work in the Single-Family Housing Contest called by the Superior Council of Associations of Architects of Spain, 2004 for the San Isidro House, a bioclimatic house in the Historical District of Granada. October 2003. Nomination for Restoration and Rehabilitation for the restoration of the church, Nuestra Señora de las Angustias in Granada as one of the IV Architectural Nominations by COAGR 2005. SHORTLISTED IN THE XI BIENNALE OF SPANISH ARCHITECTURE with the work, House Studio on 17th Belén street, Granada. SELECTED FOR THE X BIENNALE OF SPANISH ARCHITECTURE with the work, A Crossways Garden, new space at the Arango House. 3er PRIZE “Concurso para la adecuación del entorno del Castillo y Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Aledo”(Murcia). 2011. SPECIAL MENCION “Concurso adaptación de edificio secadero a biblioteca en Ogijares ” (Granada) Ayuntamiento de Ogijares. Granada.2008. 1st PRIZE “Concurso de ideas para Centro Social Polivalente en Lancha del Genil” (Granada) Ayuntamiento de Grandada.2005 1st PRIZE “Concurso de ideas para Guardería y comedor municipal en los Mondragones” (Granada) Ayuntamiento de Grandada.2005 1st PRIZE “Concurso de 13 viviendas autoconstruidas en Palenciana”. (Córdoba)Junta de Andalucía. Mayo 1998. 1st PRIZE “Concurso de ideas para proyecto de Parque en Albuñol “(Granada) (En colaboración con M. Palma y F. del Corral) Julio 1998. 2on PRIZE “Concurso de ideas para proyecto de complejo parroquial en Bola de Oro.” (En colaboración con F. del Corral) Colegio de Arquitectos y Arzobispado de Granada Junio 1998. 2on PRIZE “Concurso de ideas para proyecto de complejo parroquial en el Zaidín. Granada.” (En colaboración con F. del Corral) Colegio de Arquitectos y Arzobispado de Granada Junio 1998.. 2º PRIZE “Concurso de ideas para la integración del río Guadalquivir en la ciudad de Andújar”. (En colaboración con J.L Gómez Ordóñez) Septiembre 1998.. 2º PRIZE “Concurso Internacional de ideas para adecuación de los Accesos de la Alhambra.” (En colaboración con F. del Corral. I.Fdez Sánchez Aragón, B. Reinoso y A Bermejo.) abril de 1999.
1st PRIZE “Concurso de 8 viviendas autoconstruidas en Cuevas del Becerro.”(Málaga) Junta de Andalucía. Mayo 1999.. 1st PRIZE “Concurso de 26 viviendas de promoción pública en Alameda.” (Málaga) (En colaboración con Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas) Junta de Andalucía. Mayo 1999.

Fulvio Irace More

Fulvio Irace

Architect and Professor of history of architecture, Milan Polytechnic
Biographical notes
Fulvio Irace is a full professor of “History of Architecture” at Milan Polytechnic, where he holds the History of Contemporary Architecture chair at the Faculty of Civil Architecture and the Faculty of Design; he is also a visiting professor at the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio, and a member of the board of teachers for the PhD course in “History of Architecture and Town Planning” at Turin Polytechnic.
He is a member of the scientific committee of the Vico Magistretti Foundation and is on the board of trustees of the Piano Foundation.
In 2008-2009 he was a member of the jury for the Mies van der Rohe European Prize.
From 2005 to 2009 he was a member of the Scientific Committee of the Milan Triennial and curator of the Architecture and Territory sector.
One of the founders of the national association AAI (Archivi di Architettura Italia – Italian Architectural Archives), he is one of the promoters of the “Architecture and Design” section of CASVA (Centro alti studi e valorizzazione delle arti – the Centre for Higher Studies and Valorisation of the Arts) of the Municipality of Milan.
Architectural editor for the publications “Domus” and “Abitare”, he has worked with the most important national and international magazines in the sector, and in 2005 was awarded the Inarch Bruno Zevi Prize for architectural criticism. Since 1986 he has been an opinionist in the field of architecture for the Sunday Supplement of “Il Sole 24 Ore”.
Attentive to the historiographies of Italian architecture between the two World Wars, to which he has dedicated much work through various exhibitions and publications, more recently his studies have concentrated on contemporary Italian architecture, and the figure of Renzo Piano, the subject of various monographs and an important exhibition at the Milan Triennial.
In the field of criticism and historical methodology he is the author of the following works:  Dimenticare Vitruvio, 2001 and 2008;  Le città visibili: Renzo Piano 2006; Divina Proporzione, 2007; Gio Ponti, 2009.
He has curated a number of architectural exhibitions.

