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Cersaie 2011: Conferences and Seminars
Architecture for Humanity

Friday 23 September - 2.00 p.m.
Galleria dell'Architettura - Gallery 25/26

As part of the Focus Japan, the conference intends to present and discuss possible architectural solutions for sheltering people after major disasters, whether earthquakes, floods or mass migrations, and to investigate potential approaches to reconstruction.
Although the theme is currently of special interest following the earthquake in Japan, in reality it is always relevant and engages all of us at an emotional and concrete level owing to the phenomenon of globalisation.
Cameron Sinclair is a major international authority in the field and in 1999 founded Architecture for Humanity, a charitable organisation that seeks architectural and design solutions to humanitarian crises and offers design services to communities.


Cameron Sinclair More

Cameron Sinclair

Architect and CEO of Architecture for humanity
Biographical notes
As the Executive Director and co-founder of Architecture for Humanity, Cameron Sinclair is not only an architect, but an author, humanitarian and world-class visionary.
During his studies at the University of Westminster and at the Bartlett School of Architecture, Cameron developed a passion for social, cultural and humanitarian design. His resulting postgraduate thesis focused on providing shelter to New York City’s homeless through sustainable, transitional housing.
Collaborating with Kate Stohr in 1999, he co-founded Architecture for Humanity, a non-profit that helps architects apply their design skills to humanitarian efforts. AFH has since grown into an international hub for humanitarian design, offering innovative solutions to humanitarian crises in all corners of the globe. They operate sixty chapters in twenty-five countries with more than 4,650 volunteer design professionals.
For over ten years, Architecture for Humanity has made a difference by working on projects ranging from schools, health clinics, affordable housing and long term sustainable reconstruction. They have played a pivotal role in the rebuilding efforts in Southern Asia after the tsunami in 2004, on the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and in Haiti after the earthquake in 2009.
Cameron Sinclair and AFH have been awarded many honors over the past decade. In 2004 Fortune Magazine named Cameron as one of the Aspen Seven, seven people changing the world for the better. He was named the RISD/Target Emerging Designer of the Year in 2005. In 2006 Cameron was the recipient of the TED prize for the development of the Open Architecture Network. In 2008 he was awarded the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award for his work in elevating design in areas of need. Later in 2008 he was profiled alongside Cameron Diaz in the show ICONOCLASTS on the Sundance Channel. In 2009 Cameron and Kate received the Royal Society of Arts Bicentenary Medal. Most recently he was invited to speak at the 2010 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Cameron is also a contributor to The Huffington Post with over 7,500 followers on Twitter.

Franco La Cecla More

Franco La Cecla

Anthropologist and Architect
Biographical notes
An anthropologist and town planner, Franco La Cecla teaches Cultural Anthropology at the San Raffaele University of Milan and at the EPFL in Lausanne. He has also taught Cultural Anthropology in Venice (IUAV), Barcelona (UPC) and Berkeley (UCB), and has published,
amongst others, “Perdersi” (Laterza), “Il Malinteso” (Laterza), “Surrogati di presenza, Media e vita quotidiana” (Bruno Mondadori), “Modi Bruschi” (Bruno Mondadori) and “Contro l’Architettura” (Bollati Boringhieri). He has worked  as a consultant for Renzo Piano and for the Municipality of Barcelona, and is the President of ASIA, Architecture Social Impact Development. Together with the director Stefano Savona, he has made the documentaries “Sicilia Tunisia, un confine di specchi” and, for the Centre Pompidou, “Gestualités indiennes, les portable en Inde”. As a documentarist with “I mari dentro” about the community of italian fishers emigrants in Gloucester, Massachussets (2009), La Cecla won the Coast Culture Prize ofl San Francisco Ocean Film Festival (2010).



Video interview

Franco La Cecla
Cameron Sinclair