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Cersaie 2019: Conferences and Seminars
Felipe Assadi

Wednesday 25 September - 10.30 a.m.
Galleria dell'Architettura - Gall. 21/22


Felipe Assadi More

Felipe Assadi


Biographical notes:
Felipe Assadi graduated as an architect from the Universidad Finis Terrae and earned a master’s degree from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

In 1999 he won the “Promoción Joven” prize of the Colegio de Arquitectos de Chile, awarded to the best architect under the age of thirty- ve.

He has taught at universities in Chile, Mexico, Brazil, Italy, Colombia, and the United States.

Since 2011 he has been the Dean of the architecture school of the Universidad Finis Terrae. He has lectured in Venezuela, Peru, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Argentina, the United States, Italy, and Spain.

His work has been published in Wallpaper and the Architectural Review (London), Arquitectura Viva and av Monografías (Madrid), Architectural Record (New York), GA (Tokyo), and Domus and Casabella (Milan), as well as in specialized publications all over the world. He has participated in exhibitions in Chicago, Barcelona, Pamplona, London, Quito, Tokyo, Venecia and Santiago, and his works have been constructed in Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, the United States and Ecuador.

