Bologna - Italy    23 - 27 / 09 / 2024

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The best of Cersaie 2022 - Monday Previews

There are a few days left until September 26 for the start of the Cersaie 2022 Fair . This year there are 624 at the International Ceramics Exhibition and between areas and pavilions, you can discover a preview of the latest national and international trends.

Every year, top players in the international market meet at Cersaie to compare, inform and update themselves with training courses and create a useful network of contacts and opportunities.


The events of the first day

September 26th represents the first day of Cersaie 2022 and we can only start with strong emotions and many opportunities!

At 10.45 am the Ribbon Cutting in Constitution Square

The inevitable opening ritual: the Ribbon Cutting. From this moment on, the dances will begin with conferences, talks, seminars, networking and exploration of the various pavilions. A moment of breath, and we enter the heart of the event.

At 11.00 "Ceramic manufacturing: sustainability and responses to the energy crisis" at the Europauditorium Palazzo dei Congressi

The President of BolognaFiere will take the floor for an introductory greeting during the inaugural conference "Ceramic manufacturing: sustainability and responses to the energy crisis". He will then leave room for technical insights and comparisons on the topic of sustainability to Stefano Bonaccini, Paolo Magri and Giovanni Savorani. While awaiting confirmation, the presence of the Minister of Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani.

At 12.00 "Sustainability in architecture and design" at the Café della Stampa

It is no coincidence that the 5 days begins with one of the most cherished themes to design in recent years and strongly embraced by Cersaie: sustainability. This issue will be addressed from a different point of view with the Platform Café: "Sustainability in architecture and design." The discussion will be moderated by Simona Finessi in dialogue with Laura Andreini Studio Archea and Massimo Iosa Ghini.

At 2.00 pm "Large Slabs and UNI 11493 Standard: Design, Laying and Maintenance" at the City of Laying

After a lunch break and moments dedicated to networking, we will proceed with a more technical study, “Grandi Lastre e Norma UNI 11493: Design, Laying and Maintenance” which will also be followed by a practical demonstration.

At 3.00 pm "The future of matter: unconventional ideas, projects and reflections" at the Café della Stampa

Elle Decor Italia Café, on the other hand, introduces a new way of conceiving architecture, talking about culture and focusing on the imagination to create social value. "The future of matter: unconventional ideas, projects and reflections " with Paola Carimati, Ingrid Paoletti and Fosbury Architecture.

At 16.00 Handel Architects Talk: "Large-scale sustainable design" at Archincont (r) act

Handel Architects is the great anticipation of this first day at Cersaie! The speaker Antonio Donofrio will start a discussion that addresses issues of sustainability and development, with a nod to the balance between the environment, equity and the circular economy.

Not only theory, but also case studies with the presentation of sustainable building models. If you are unfamiliar with Passive House design concepts for multi-story buildings, now is the time to upgrade! Excellent strategies for the conservation of the building's energy in the care of health and well-being.

At 4.00 pm Around Water Café: "Green, bio and sustainable" at Café della Stampa

During the event there will also be space for "Green, bio and sustainable" conducted by Claudio Moltani in dialogue with Studio EMO Design and Giulio Ceppi, Professor at Politecnico di Milano.

At 4.00 pm "Assoposa Academy and Certification of the ceramic installer" at the Città della Posa

Assaposa will present its new courses during the event at the Città della Posa, thanks to which it will be possible to receive the Certification of the ceramic installer.
A great opportunity for professionals in the sector, since it is a valid certification pursuant to UNI EN ISO 17024, which enhances the installation and design according to the 11493 Regulation. The collaboration with an external Certification Body guarantees the neutrality of the evaluation.

Ceramics of Italy International Press Conference, Journalism Award, Tile Competition Award "at the Palazzo dei Congressi

Only for journalists, however, the International Press Conference “Ceramics of Italy  Journalism Award, Tile Competition Award ". The speakers called for the occasion are A. Lorenzo Angeloni, Roberto Luongo, Emilio Mussini , Andrea Serri, Cristina Faedi, Armando Cafiero.


Cersaie Digital: the solution for business networking

Some events occur at the same time, but in different places. If you want to boost business networking or don't want to miss a moment of Cersaie 2022, there is a platform for you!

Cersaie Digital was born with the idea of creating a digital space that is always accessible, a meeting point dedicated to professionals in the ceramic sector. Thanks to the platform it will be possible to attend the live shows, but also to learn more about the different features that the online system makes available. Navigating within this immersive reality, it will be easy to make an appointment with the various exhibitors and suppliers to increase your network of contacts!


What you can expect on Tuesday


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