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Home automation: the exhibition at Cersaie

It is no longer necessary to wonder what the houses of the future will be like. The future is already present at Cersaie with the home automation house that makes technology its great strength. A smart home designed to help simplify daily the lives of those who live there, organizing, based on the information provided, some of the more technical aspects of home management.
At Cersaie International Fair, the aesthetics of ceramics is combined with technological innovation to make people's lives better, meeting the needs of everyday life.

The union between ceramics and technological evolution

Home automation houses are a useful and convenient solution for those who want to create a comfortable, safe and compact environment. The Cersaie international fair, which will return to Bologna Fiere from 26 to 30 September 2022, represents a point of reference for producers and visitors interested in the uses of ceramics, even in the high-tech environment.
At Cersaie - in the startup-dedicated Mall 29-30 - systems and plants will be present with accurate aesthetics and with different technologies: remote control of lights, appliances to advanced systems that monitor safety, temperature control, lighting.
The main advantages of a home automation system concern the ease of managing day by day activities that are combined with a safer home, thanks to intelligent alarm systems. Must be considered also an easier and more comfortable control of the home or of personal business which, thanks to artificial intelligence, recreates optimal comfort conditions at any time of the day. The control interfaces and settings are in fact customizable according to the characteristics of the home and the needs of the users, but above all are intuitive and easy to use.
Furthermore, a home automation environment with a ceramic aesthetic has a positive and eco-friendly impact on the environment because it works in an intelligent way, allowing a significant reduction in consumption.

A network of producers and operators in the sector

The media coverage that revolves around the Cersaie event helps exhibitors and operators to find out the latest trends and above all the prospects that unite high tech with the ceramic sector. The International Exhibition promotes a place where around 600 exhibitors are present, all stimulated by the opportunity to build a more solid business, thanks to the visibility offered by Cersaie.
In addition, particular attention is paid to training. Last year, numerous visitors (62,943 of which 24,019 of different nationalities) had the opportunity to participate in educational events on the ceramic sector, such as seminars and conferences aimed at enriching the knowledge of those who go to Cersaie.
In this way, operators and exhibitors in the sector become part of a commercial network that makes them participate in what is happening in that specific field and that helps them to intercept the needs sought by potential customers.

Why do exhibitors choose Cersaie?

The international fair has always been defined as an opportunity for those who want to discover ceramics in a place where professionalism, quality and reliability master.
Furthermore, the fair expands with Cersaie Digital, a new digital platform where visitors who want to maximize the result of their visit to the fair can meet and do business. Thanks to the online preview, it will be possible to plan the stay at the fair and find new partners in line with the needs of personal business. It will be possible to view the availability on the agenda, request appointments, have the opportunity to explore the fair with the 3D map and participate in streaming events.
These reasons, combined with the authoritativeness of the event, push people from different countries to consider the International Exhibition of Ceramics for Architecture and Bathroom Furnishings as the main event for operators and producers of ceramics.

The Fair that exhibits quality

The ceramic products on display deal in detail with all the stages of the control process, from turning and forming to firing, a sign of a highly qualitative evolution. The fair is not only aimed at those looking for the aesthetics and characteristics of the ceramic material, but also offers home automation accessories for their home or business, quality products that are always functional and resistant over time.
The high number of participation requests that arrive every year is the testimony of the exhibitors' trust in the most important world fair of ceramics and bathroom furnishings and their desire to compete with the market. Cersaie is a key event for professional visitors from the architecture, interior design and contract sectors who consider the opportunity to meet exhibitors as a very important part of their activities.
The intention is to satisfy the needs of users who are looking for safety, comfort and practicality. All with the aim of improving the quality of life, energy efficiency and technological innovation.

The most popular trends for smart homes

Cersaie Fair in Bologna is particularly attentive to the needs of users, and for this reason a part is dedicated to the quality of high-tech products. In general, the latest trends that the exhibitors at Cersaie will grasp are oriented towards home automation systems that aim to completely automate our homes, from the living room to the kitchen, up to the bathrooms.
At the International Ceramics Exhibition, it will be possible to admire products suitable for the different rooms of the house such as intelligent thermoregulation. For the bathrooms, alert systems have been created in the event of water leaks, customizable automations such as ventilation and control of the home automation electrical system. In the kitchens, on the other hand, there are smart appliances, such as ovens, refrigerators, kitchenettes that communicate with each other through an app system.
Among the recent trends to consider there are smart appliances. These devices can connect to the house wireless network and can therefore be remotely controlled.
Cersaie's sensitivity towards environmental issues is also reflected in the display of products that encourage energy efficiency. For 2022, a more widespread use of green and renewable energy is expected. It is important to remember the conference held at Cersaie last year entitled "Sustainability, energy transition and international competition for our Made in Italy".
Presence sensors need also to be taken into consideration. Monitoring systems that detect when the space is occupied and are activated according to needs. They make sure that no one passes through the area under their control and, in case of problems, they send a report via the devices connected to the house.
Trends in home automation incorporate also innovations concerning gardening. An example is represented by the innovative irrigation systems thanks to which watering can be programmed not only based on the days and hours, but also taking into account the climatic conditions.
The International Fair of Ceramics for Architecture and Bathroom Furnishings intercepts styles and trends. In fact, the impact of home automation is expected to increase in 2022, helping people in activities such as cooking, cleaning and monitoring their health conditions.

Tax incentives for properties: Superbonus 110% and home automation bonus

The Superbonus 110 opens new opportunities in the world of ceramics. Thanks to the approval of the 2022 Budget Law, the tax relief is also aimed at the renovation of houses and accommodation and hospitality facilities. The Superbonus aims to make properties more efficient, comfortable and reliable.
In this sense, it was important to obtain incentives also in the world of home automation. In fact, as part of the tax bonuses, the 65% Ecobonus is currently available, also known as the home automation bonus.
The measure is part of the Building Restructuring package and allows the deduction of all expenses incurred starting from 1 January 2022 for the purchase and installation of building automation systems that allow remote management and control of the home and contribute to energy saving. This is a 65% subsidy on the expenses incurred to purchase smart home control systems.

Who can receive the 110% Superbonus tax incentives?

The benefits of the Superbonus 110% concern citizens who own or hold a non-residential or residential property in a condominium, at the time of the renovation works or at the time of incurring expenses. As for the entrepreneurs, these are among the beneficiaries in the hypothesis of participation in the expenses for interventions carried out by the condominium on the common parts.

Who can receive the home automation bonus tax incentives?

Private citizens resident and non-resident in Italy and taxpayer’s business owners with a VAT number who own the property subject to the concession can take advantage of the home automation incentives. To be specified is the fact that the bonus is awarded on the condition that it is possible to monitor the operation of smart devices, thanks to specific instruments, such as remote controls, tablets and the smartphones themselves. Furthermore, the technologies used must be able to analyze any data related to the consumption and operation of the various plants.