Bologna - Italy    23 - 27 / 09 / 2024

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Hall 37: an ultra-modern space devoted to ceramic tiles

Following the construction of the new hall 37, the product sectors at CERSAIE 2021 will be reorganised according to a more functional layout in which the various product categories are grouped together more rationally.
With its 14,000 square metres of exhibition floor, this modern and centrally-positioned hall is the perfect location for the stands of ceramic companies, which each year create stunning exhibits packed with design inspirations and beautifully crafted products and attract more than 112,000 visitors from all over the world.

Rendering Hall 37

Designed by the firm Di Gregorio Associati, Hall 37 has a modern and functional design that uses natural light to ensure that a visit to the hall will be a pleasant and enjoyable experience at any time of day.
Just like halls 29 and 30, this building also has a single span structure with a mall used as a multifunctional space, ideal for a wide variety of events such as conventions, trade fairs and sports events, while the large glass walls create a visual connection with the outdoor areas.

The design of these new halls fully meets the need for flexible and innovative spaces, integrating seamlessly with the historic Benevolo halls which remain a milestone in the history of international trade fair architecture.

Another important new feature at CERSAIE 2021 is the Contract Hall - Hall 18: a place where international architecture firms, clients and top brands can meet and offer visitors to CERSAIE an increasingly wide range of products.