Bologna - Italy    23 - 27 / 09 / 2024

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PaletteHOME PRO, Easy and at your fingertips. It can also be used as a site survey tool: design and drawing directly from the client, on your mobile devices, and then import the 3D drawing directly into PaletteCAD, complete with reference contact and any notes. Users will be guided through simple steps to design their new environment. Creating the room, positioning doors and windows, then proceeding with the furniture and finishes.

Thanks to the drag & drop function, placing tables, chairs, bath tubs or stoves within the room will be simple and straightforward. The customer will be able to admire his new environment with an animated 3D visualisation. At this point you may need feedback from a professional... and thanks to Palette Home PRO you are only a click away, ready to provide concrete advice based on the data you already have.


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