International Exhibition of Ceramic
Tile and Bathroom Furnishings

23 - 27 SEPTEMBER 2024

Bathroom Excellence 1998/2012
ADI Design Index @ Cersaie 2013


year: 2011  adi design index: pag. 38

product: Flight

designer: Francesco Rodighiero, Massimo Rodighiero con/with Rossano Zambelli

company: Goman

product type: Sink

description: A regular sink with some unique technical features, Flight is easy to use even for those with mobility problems or in wheelchairs. A slender, single element (in Corian® DuPontTM) has space for the knees below while the fixed angle of the surface and the concave front edge with elbow rests have eliminated the need for pneumatic adjustment mechanisms so that it can be used by anyone. Flight’s characteristics make it easy to install in public situations and places such as offices, hotels, restaurants and bars, thereby avoiding bathrooms having to be built specifically for use by disabled people. It can also be used in the home proving that conforming to regulations and the right to a safe bathroom for children and the elderly does not have to be synonymous with technical and unpleasant places. True Design for All guarantees equality to everyone, even in the simple act of washing one’s hands.