Bologna - Italy    23 - 27 / 09 / 2024

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Café della Stampa

Cersaie 2022: Conferences and Seminars
Chiesa Oggi Café: "Building a sense of wonder. Ecclesiastical real estate at the service of artistic and cultural heritage"

FRI 30 September - 12.00 p.m.
Press Cafés - Services Centre


Architect Giuseppe Maria Jonghi Lavarini and Architect Caterina Parrello talk to Don Gianluca Gaiardi - director of the Diocesan Museum in CREMONA - Architect Alessandro Suppressa, designer and curator of the restoration of the Bishop's Palace in Pistoia for the PISTOIA CIVIC MUSEUMS

Meeting in italian language only


Giuseppe Maria Jonghi Lavarini More

Giuseppe Maria Jonghi Lavarini

Editor-in-Chief Chiesa Oggi

Caterina Parrello More

Caterina Parrello

Don Gianluca Gaiardi More

Don Gianluca Gaiardi

Director of the Diocesan Museum of Cremona

Alessandro Suppressa More

Alessandro Suppressa

Architect and supervisor of the restoration project for the Bishop's Palace in Pistoia for the Civic Museums of Pistoia

