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Cersaie 2009: Conferences and Seminars
Ceramic Tile, star of habitats, new trends in design

Tuesday 29 September - 2.00 p.m.
Galleria dell'Architettura

The conference aims to analyse the current situation and future prospects in the relationship between ceramics and architecture.
The theme will be explored from various viewpoints, highlighting the mutual relationships that are created between design and figurative culture, creation of demand or response to established tastes, and the capacity for response and innovative proposals on the part of technologies.


Speaker Orazio Lo Presti More

"Cool" gestures and actions


Orazio Lo Presti

Trend setting expert, Florence
"Cool" gestures and actions

The growing synergy that has developed between the various forms of expression and communication in ART-FASHION-DESIGN has led to new research approaches for product sectors that have traditionally followed in the footsteps of trend phenomena.
The need for new trend inputs to emerge from the Ceramic Sector make it necessary for research to constantly evolve in the fields of aesthetics and technology in order to restore this sector to a position of primary importance in the choice of operational, expressive and product quality approaches.
The theme of COOL GESTURES AND ACTIONS explored according to the parameters of SHAPING-FRAGMENTING-ASSEMBLING (Design+CraftsMaster- Free arranging- Creative Modularism) aims to underscore the importance of rediscovering an authentic expressiveness as a leitmotiv for shareable moods based on usable products separated from excessively consumeristic timeframes.

Biographical notes:
Architect, Designer and Lecturer, he combines research with operational activities.
- He has designed spaces for habitats, displays and exhibits (Areamoda Lineapelle, Prato  Expo/Evento Siderale, Don Chichiotte o dell'Attore..)
- He has designed collections of fabrics, clothing and accessories (M. di S. Elena, Viva’s, J.Novelli)              
- He has worked in the Styling, Forecasting and Illustration publishing sector (Italian Fashion Report, Tesse, Obiettivo Moda, Tellus..)
- He works with university institutes and training organisations in Italy and abroad (Polimoda and University of Florence, Centro de Diseno Industrial and ORT in Montevideo)
- He carries out research and coordinates research staff in Trend setting in the Product Design and Development sector (Studio Designer's Two, Inventa, A.I.S. Associazione Italiana Stilisti, SCAM Training, Unione Stilisti Marche, E.F.D. EuropeanFashionDesigners, ConfindustriaCeramica.)

Veronica Dal Buono More
Ceramic: an expressive material that combines technology, language and communication

Veronica Dal Buono

Researcher at Ferrara Architecture Faculty
Ceramic: an expressive material that combines technology, language and communication

The process of innovation of ceramic materials involves evolution from an everyday surface covering element to a complex article, an advanced component of building systems that combines aesthetic/functional values with constantly renewed decorative aspects, material research and optimised and fully researched technological properties.
Characteristics such as combinatorial flexibility, reproducibility and sustainable productivity, as well as the intrinsic material value – so similar to stone and glass and yet so different – make it today both a “designed material” and a technological product that is of interest both to the market and to architectural production.

Biographical notes:
Architect, researcher in Architecture Technology at Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara. Combining an interest in the contemporary project, materials application technologies, and project communication and representation, her research activity focuses in particular on the relationship between humans and materials with particular emphasis on heavy clay products, ceramic, stone and artificial materials that emulate natural stone.

Glauco Gresleri More
From matter to material.

Glauco Gresleri


From matter to material.

In spite of major advances in terms of quality in the ceramic industry that have resulted in products of high technological content, architects have continued to use ceramic materials in a traditional way as finishing products such as floor and wall coverings. As in the case of cement which has evolved from a binding material to take on its own specific expressive qualities, new uses and new forms, architects now have the opportunity to launch ceramic materials towards the widest range of uses, such as new building and furnishing components.

Biographical notes
Glauco Gresleri
Architect, former lecturer at the University of Pescara, former editor of magazines Chiesa & Quartiere, Frames and Parametro. Architecture theorist and critic who has published articles and essays in magazines. He is a practising architect with more than 200 major projects to his credit.

Chiara Baglione More
Ceramic: only a covering material?

Chiara Baglione

Architect and architecture historian

Ceramic: only a covering material?

In the works of some of the key figures in twentieth century architecture – from the Catalan Modernists to the Viennese Secessionists, from Perret and Berlage through to the masters of Italian modern architecture such as Gio Ponti – ceramic has been used for highly sophisticated applications reflecting the complex relationship between decoration, ornament and values of the building. Given the development of the sector and the consequent increase in the potential for use of ceramic, it is now useful to reflect on the expressive potential of this material through a comparison between works of contemporary architecture and historic examples in search of a “continuity” that is increasingly proving essential for any authentic innovation.

Biographical notes
Architect and architecture historian, she obtained her doctorate in History of Architecture at the University IUAV of Venezia (2001). Since November 2008 she has worked as a researcher at the Faculty of Architecture and Engineering at the Kore University in Enna, where she teaches History of contemporary architecture and History of the city. She also teaches at the Faculty of Civil Architecture of Milan Polytechnic. Since 1989 she has been on the editorial staff of Casabella.
Author of numerous articles and essays in specialist magazines and miscellaneous books, she has contributed to the volumes Giuseppe Terragni. Opera completa (Electa, Milan 1996); Storia dell’architettura italiana. Il Seicento (Electa, Milan 2003). Again for Electa, she edited the book entitled Pietro Lingeri (Electa, Milan 2004). She has also contributed to the books Nuovi Antichi. Committenti, cantiere, architetti 1400-1600 (with others, Electa, Milan 2004) and the recent Casabella 1928-2008 (Electa, Milan 2008).
