Bologna - Italy    23 - 27 / 09 / 2024

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New grids for Base and Arq

Acquabella, a leading manufacturer of high-quality shower trays, presents a new series of shower grids for its Base and Arq models. These developments reinforce the company's commitment to offering innovative products with high design value that enhance customers' bathing experience. Acquabella's new approach builds on its vision of creating bespoke bathroom spaces with contemporary design, this time implementing an improved level of customisation in its shower trays. The technology developed by Acquabella has made it possible to obtain new grid patterns with great precision and differentiated aesthetics: Mia, Lux and Geo. Mia, an evolution of its predecessor, will be the main grating and will be available in Akron and stainless steel, while Lux and Geo will be offered only in Akron. As with the Akron gratings, the new designs are also incorporated in the high-definition textures of the Base models - Slate, Beton, Zero and Nude - and in the colour of the shower tray, creating that effect of continuity so characteristic of Acquabella products.


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